Timber Creek Student Media Visits NBC 5

The student media has taken off in production growth over the past year, constantly searching for new ways to improve and new topics to cover. Already far more advanced than than most other high schools, they had to look to the professionals for help in continuing to grow.

On Feb. 28, members of the student media visited NBC 5 at their broadcast facility and gained valuable knowledge about journalism and broadcasting.

“The trip allowed the broadcast journalism class to really experience and lay eyes on a real broadcast facility and see what goes into the making of the daily news,” junior, Georgia Straub said. “We got to meet real reporters and some of the people who worked behind the scenes to ensure the show flowed smoothly.”

This unique experience allowed students to dive a little deeper into the world of reporters and journalists that let them feel for a connection with the career. It served as an eye opening opportunity to see what this career truly is.

“It helped me develop and peak my interest in broadcasting, it made me realize how much I want to pursue this as a career,”  explained sophomore, Monserrat Luna, a member of TCTV.

In addition to creating new desires to pursue journalism, it also provided valuable insight on how Talon and TCTV could improve their programs.

“We’ve already started to make some plans based on things we observed at the studios,” commented Straub. “It not only inspired broadcast journalism, but sent a ripple through the entire student media program motivating improvements both to prepare journalism students for their future and maintain our reputation as a reliable and up to date source for news within the Timber Creek community.”

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