Track and Field Team Takes On Another Meet

On Friday March 2, the Timber Creek track and field team competed in the Northwest Texan Invitational. Girls varsity got second place while boys varsity won the meet overall.

Junior Lauren Hodges is a varsity discus thrower who competed at this meet and provides a unique view on the competition.

“[This] meet was the throwers first meet, and it was a little nerve racking,” she explained. “So much anxiety built up, and I was hesitant about my throws.”

Hodges finished eighth with a throw of 79-10. Although this was not the outcome she desired, Hodges is positive going into other meets.

“My goals for future meets involve looking at what I can do better and not focus[ing] on the competition,” she said. ” If your focus is on you, and the potential you have, then you will succeed no matter what place you get.”

Track and field is a great way for athletes to challenge themselves, and meets allow them to compete which Hodges enjoys.

“My favorite part about track meets is just the thrill and feeling of it,” she recalled. “At meets, you can escape from all of your homework and problems and the world, and you can just focus on what’s happening in that very moment.”

Haley Shipp, a sophomore who runs the 800 meter varsity race, had a different perspective on the best part of track meets.

“My favorite is just sitting in hammocks and talking with friends while waiting for my next race,” she explained.

Shipp finished fourteenth in her race with a time of 2:40.93, but she is keeping her eyes on the future.

“[I want] to continue to run varsity,” Shipp said, “and hopefully [I’ll] run varsity at districts.”

The Northwest Texan Invitational gave Timber Creek athletes the chance to strive against tough competition, and it was overall successful.

“The meet for me [personally] didn’t go as I had planned,” commented Shipp. “As for the team, everyone did great!”

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