Lit Mag: Creative Writing from Timber Creek Students

The Lit Mag of the Timber Creek Talon is transferring to an official class in the 2018-19 year. Every year, Lit Mag is a potential class, but this year enough students have signed up to actually make it happen.

Tabitha Tomlinson, Editor of the Lit Mag and writer for the Timber Creek Talon, has worked on a total of four issues of the Lit Mag and is enrolled in the fall class. Although Tomlinson is familiar with the Lit Mag, she really isn’t sure what to expect from the class.

“It’s never been a class before, so I’m pleased to see what it will be like,” Tomlinson said, “And they haven’t chosen the teacher yet so we don’t know if it will be Kummel or Janda.”

Greg Janda is the Multimedia teacher of both Talon and TCTV. He has been apart of the publishing of Lit Mag ever since it started. Nona Kummel, on the other hand, encourages her students of Creative Writing to reach their creative mind and produce a creative work of literature.

“Lit Mag is a place that gives any student who loves creative writing a voice to share with others,” Tomlinson said.

Kummel is always doing whatever she can to get the students to write. Tomlinson, being one of her students, has first hand experience on the encouragement from her.

Tomlison said, “Mrs. Kummel makes me want to write. She’s such an uplifting person.”

Tabitha Tomlinson is also a part of journalism where Janda gives Tomlinson an outlet to work on her creative abilities as well as enhance her story telling with all the stories she writes for Talon.

“He’s really passionate about any project that he works on,” Tomlinson said. “I wouldn’t be able to work on Lit Mag at all if I wasn’t in Talon.”

Tomlinson believes more people should get into Lit Mag so they can share their voice with the rest of Timber Creek. Through Lit Mag, their have been submissions from fellow students of both pieces of writing and art they’ve created.

“Lit Mag is all about creating your own stories and that’s exciting,” Tomlinson said.

If a student is interested in enrolling into the class, they should communicate with their respective counselor about the interest and they will do what they can to get the student enrolled.

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