Maverick Brazeal Becomes First Male to Join Violet Belles

On April 13, 2018 changed rippled throughout the Timber Creek halls as the new Sky Dancers and Violet Belles were announced. Among the names of hopeful newcomers, was Maverick Brazeal, the first male Violet Belle.

“Being a part of the Violet Belles is huge for me because it’s my dream and I wasn’t sure I’d do it,” said Brazeal.

Brazeal was significantly influenced by his grandma and aunt who previously were on a drill team and to continue the family tradition he decided to tryout as well. Initially forming a love of dance at school, Maverick didn’t stop there, determined to strengthen his technique and skills he began to take classes outside of school as well.

“I started taking a dance class at school last year… and fell in love with it” said Brazeal fondly, ” Then I started taking classes outside of school at Dana’s Studio of Dance.”

Throughout the entire process Maverick was supported by multiple people on the Sky Dancers team along with close friends and family. Their enduring reinforcement propelled him through tryouts with a positive outlook and determination to reach his final goal.

“They’ve always had my back and have never let me down.” said Brazeal of his supporters, “Hayes Harkins, the captain of the Sky Dancers, has supported and helped me so much, she really inspires me.”

Brazeal’s decision to tryout came with a set of challenges, but he was determined to persevere and fulfill his dreams. He set a series of goals towards the beginning of tryouts in order to strengthen himself as a dancer and focus on his end destination, the Violet Belles. 

“My goal was to improve my technique and flexibility… It was difficult for me at first because I’m not naturally flexible but my mind was set on making this happen,” said Brazeal. “I wasn’t sure I could do it [but] after making my dream a reality it really showed me that anything is possible when you set your mind to it,”

Sky Dancer Lieutenant Kristen Drumm, was among the many rooting for Maverick throughout the tryout process, expressing high hopes that he would make the team. Additionally, after Brazeal made the Violet Belles his humbling tweets and thoughtful words inspired Drumm, reminding her of her own tryout process.

“I was aware of how hard he had been working which made me want it for him even more.” said Drumm ” After he made it, his humbling and inspiring tweets regarding the Violet Belles made my heart so happy and reminded me of the excitement I felt when first making the team.”

Sky Dancer Director, Lindsey Harris, expressed tremendous hopes for Brazeal and detailed the positive impact he will have on the team due to the amazing qualities he has to offer.

“Maverick is a very hard working and passionate young man who has a lot to offer next year’s Violet Belles.” said Harris ” He was chosen as a spirit leader for this very reason because we hope he can pass that on [to] his fellow teammates”

Brazeal’s step towards his dream and passion of dancing have made a significant impact on the stereotypes of dancing.Drumm and Lieutenant Jordan Eldridge, conveyed their optimism for Brazeal to serve as an inspiration for other boys to join the Sky Dancer team.

“He’s made history on Violet Belles being the first guy to make it at our school.” said Eldridge “I’m proud that he had the courage to tryout for a female dominated team, give his all to make it and be an inspiration to other young men who want to tryout.”

“I hope he breaks the gender based stereotypes and encourages more boys to tryout for [the Sky Dancers]” said Drumm “We would absolutely love to have them.”

Similarly, Brazeal shares the hopes of Eldridge and Drumm, hoping to serve as a symbol for boys throughout the campus, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and tryout just as he did.

“I hope that in the coming season I inspire other talented boys to tryout,” Brazeal said. “Face their fears and do what makes them happy.”

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