Rugby Club Aims to Win State

The Timber Creek Rugby Club has made it an effort ever since the beginning of the year to get into First Division (D1) of state, and after the close call last season to almost becoming D1, the team is now within strong positioning to take the title. The team is on their final steps of becoming state champions. With the team placing second during the previous season and falling short of a win, the team has found itself in the same situation, now determined more so than ever to clench the victory.

“I don’t think about being second, I know we’re going to win state,” said one of the current captains, Christian Corona. “…knowing that everything we’ve worked towards is being put on the line is very stressful.”

After winning their previous two games that determined if they would get the opportunity to progress to state, the team has some time to reflect on film from the last games. Looking at some complications during the last game, they have some stuff to clean up. With the day of state gets closer the team needs that chemistry to stay or build.

As the team practices for their last big game before their season ends, rugby coach Chris Morris gets plans together to lead his team to D1. Being a captain also brings Corona some hard challenges for, but has helped him to gain abilities that will help him as he moves on in life that benefit his team as well.

“The team has gotten better as a whole and practices have become more consistent with 30 plus members,” Corona said. “Our team chemistry is way different from last season. I’ve learned a lot from becoming a team leader and planning stuff. Every time I play a game, I meet new players and coaches…I had to take a lot more responsibility being a captain…telling people what to do and making a plan which will help me in life.”

As the season comes to a close and state being right around the corner players practice until their bodies hurt. Wanting this title so badly gives the team motivation to keep going, and even gives former players, like Josh Foster – a TC alumni, the confidence to believe that the team will succeed. Keeping tabs on the team and communicating with the coaches of the team, Foster fully supports the team as they keep going, having no doubts and feeling confident that his former team will succeed to claiming the title of state.

“It’s a hooligans game played by gentlemen to say the least. And it really brings together the players into a family rather than a team, because on the pitch you have to look out for each one of your brothers,” Foster says. “ I absolutely believe they can be the new state champs. They know the game, they know how to read other team’s playing strategies, and they know how to locate where their strengths and weaknesses are. I will absolutely try and be there and support them in every way I can.”

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