Stuco Dares Students to Strengthen Character

Student council has been been working hard all year to ensure that the student body has every opportunity to be involved in the school, and to succeed in their education. Recently however, they’ve decided to take a step back to the basics, by promoting individual character growth.

Stacy Cleveland, the student council advisor has been teaching the “Character Strong” curriculum to her leadership I students, and she’s now decided to extend the lessons to the entire student body. Cleveland has also encouraged participants to download the Character Strong app, created by John Norlin and Houston Kraft.

Here’s a step-by-step guide of how to get started on the app:

  1. Create an account
  2. Click the tab, ‘browse’ at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click ‘High School’
  4. Start your character workout.

Essentially, in each class, the students receive a word of character, and a “character dare” to go along with it. For example, students will be given the word, ‘honesty’ and they will discuss what that means throughout the class. They will then be given a dare in regards to being honest to try to accomplish before the next class. One of the dares for honesty according to the the Character Strong app if there’s a conversation centered around something negative, make it a goal to redirect the conversation elsewhere.

“We’ve noticed that we don’t really focus on character anymore. Athletes might get it from their coaches, some of the fine arts teachers might talk about character to their students, but just as a general student that may not be involved in those things, you’re never exposed to good character unless it’s taught at home, so we just felt that there was a need to just remind people to be good people,” Cleveland said

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