Summer School Offered to Students Once Again

Summer school will be available once again this year for students who need to participate in the EOC Intervention Program. However, classes available will not be offered at the students campus. Classes will be offered online.

Students can register for the program online through the KISD webstore. Computers will be offered in the counseling office. Students participating in the program will have access to a virtual teacher monitor, and be able to contact them if they have questions or concerns. The monitor will also check-in weekly with the students progress.

Foreign Language courses are now available. Students can earn a maximum of two credit hours, four courses, total while attending summer school.

Students will be required to complete one course at a time, but there are opportunities to take multiple courses. All course work must be completed by July 10, 2018. Final Exam’s for all courses will be offered at Central High School from July 10-19, from 8:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. Exam dates and times are as follows:

  • July 10-11, 2018: English I-IV Exams
  • July 12, 2018: World Geo, World History, US History, Government, and Econ Exams
  • On the 13, KISD will be not be open.
  • July 16-17, 2018: Algebra I-II, Geometry, and Math Models Exams
  • July 18, 2018: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Exams
  • July 19, 2018: Spanish, French, German, and Latin Exams

To register for the Intervention Program,and for more information, please see your school counselor.

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