Bartlett to Leave Timber Creek Principal Position

Reprinted from Keller ISD district communications:

Hello Falcons,

This is the hardest letter I’ve ever had to compose in my 19 years of education. These past two years at Timber Creek have been two of the best years of my life and have been historic in all areas of TCHS. We have created a culture that will be unshakeable for years to come. It is all the relationships that have been developed between the students, staff and community, as well as all that we have accomplished together that makes this next part so difficult. After many days and weeks of prayers and conversations with my family, I am stepping away from Timber Creek. My family and I know this is the right decision. You know that I’m “all in” and being “all in” is exhausting, yet rewarding; but at this point, I’m ready to write the next chapter of my life.

To the graduating seniors, I know I have missed some of your year-end activities and for that I apologize. I can’t wait to celebrate the culmination of your work at Graduation on Saturday.

Thank you for reading through this message. I know it’s probably not what you wanted to read at the end of the year, but I want to thank everyone in this great community for jumping on board over the past two years while we moved our school to the next level of greatness.

Forever Timber Creek,

Donnie Bartlett

Keller ISD Superintendent Rick Westfall prefaced Bartlett’s letter in the e-mail sent to district parents and students:

TCHS Falcon Community,

I know this communication is long overdue, but I hope you will understand its delay. Delays of this nature are never easy or without reason. We recognize that Donnie Bartlett’s obvious absence as the year closed out at TCHS would lead to concerns and questions, but those concerns and questions are best addressed by Donnie.

Over the past week, the District administration has been working with Donnie as he has been making some decisions for himself and his family. Those decisions are very personal and we owed it to him to patiently wait on how to proceed. Please see his message [reprinted above] to the Falcon community regarding those decisions.

Dr. Rick Westfall

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