Everything You Need to Know About the End of the Year

With the end of the year not far off, Principal Donnie Bartlett felt compelled to address the school as a whole, not only to welcome students to a new year, but to also cover any questions that Falcon families may have in general.

“I thank you for your support and continued involvement in our work during the 2017-18 school year. Together, we have accomplished many great things, and it is our intention to successfully wrap up the year,” said Bartlett in an e-mail to parents.

Safety and security is one of the school’s most important priorities, but due to previous disorderly incidents, both in KISD as well as in other areas, the high school principals have established procedures and expectations specific to the final week of the year.

The following rules are in place for the last days of the 2017-18 school year on all four Keller ISD high school campuses.

  1. No backpacks, athletics bags or duffle bags will be allowed on campus after May 18.
  2. No lockers will be available for usage after May 18.
  3. Textbooks will be collected prior to May 24.
  4. Extra personnel have been assigned to each campus, including 24-hour security.
  5. Extra security cameras are available on campuses.
  6. Students must leave the building immediately at the 3:45 bell beginning May 21. There
    will be limited scheduled activities on campuses after 3:45 p.m.

Students who disrupt the learning environment will be subject to suspension and further disciplinary action per the Keller ISD Student Code of Conduct. Seniors who involve themselves in such disruptions will also be suspended from walking in the graduation ceremony, according to Policy FMH Local. For students who are not seniors, involvement in disruption of the learning environment may be punishable up to and including DAEP placement for 60 days.

“We thank you for your support to make Timber Creek safe for all students,” said Bartlett.

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