How to Prepare for NHS Applications

The National Honor Society accepted many students into the club this year, but unfortunately could not accept all of the applicants. In order to receive an invitation in spring of the 2018-2019 school year, incoming sophomores and juniors must have a 93.5 GPA by the end of the first semester of the school year.

Receiving an invitation does not mean that students are automatically a part of the organization. In order to be considered further for a spot in NHS, students are required to fill out an application. Students that received an invitation are not required to apply to NHS, but are encouraged to do so.

As common with many clubs, teams, and organizations, there are not enough spots for all applicants to be accepted. In order to increase one’s odds of acceptance, students need to maintain good behavior in their classrooms and set themselves apart from other students by being involved in many clubs, extracurriculars and volunteer work.

To prepare for the application process, students should:

·         Complete service hours over the summer and during the school year

·         Work a part time job

·         Be involved in extracurricular activities

·         Join various clubs and organizations, both in-school and outside of school (HOSA, Spanish Club, StuCO, Church Youth Group, Boy/Girl Scouts, etc.)

·         Take on leadership roles whenever possible

·         Document and log all activities

·         Demonstrate good character and behavior in your classroom environments

During the application process, students will need to record service hours they’ve completed, clubs they’re a part of, as well as extracurriculars and athletic teams on the application, as well as give their teachers a recommendation form to complete. The deadline to turn in applications is strict, so late applications will not be accepted.

If students have any questions, they may contact NHS sponsor Cerissa Johnson in room C122 or

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