Request Your Summer VOE By May 20

Students may now sign up for a Summer Verification of Enrollment (VOE) form.

The attendance office will be closed during the Summer, so students will need to request and pick up their VOE if needed.

Students must request a Summer VOE prior to May 20. The forms will be issued on the last five days of school and are valid all summer until Aug. 14. Students must pick up their VOE form from the attendance office between May 21-25 before or after school or during their lunch.

To submit, learn more, and request a Summer VOE form, go to the Timber Creek High School website. Then click the “Students and Families” tab and follow the link “Attendance”. Or click here

Once there, students have the choice between regular and Summer VOE forms. For the VOE to be valid all Summer students must select the option “Summer VOE”.

A note to underclassmen: VOE eligibility is based on Fall semester attendance. Seat time for the current semester will be calculated during the summer.  Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will serve their accumulated seat time during the first six weeks of the following Fall semester.

Failure to complete seat time may affect VOE requests, prom attendance, graduation, transcript releases, truancy filing/court, and more.

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