I Taught Post Malone: TCHS Teacher’s Connection to Famed “Rockstar” Revealed

Austin Post, known to most today as Post Malone, has a humble beginning in Grapevine, Texas. He graduated from Grapevine High School with the class of 2013, but not before receiving a secondary education at Grapevine Middle School from one of Timber Creek’s very own: geometry teacher Jared Miller. Miller taught Post math in the later years of middle school, but never heard of him again until one night when he received unexpected news from an old colleague.

“I first found out about [Post Malone] when a friend texted me ‘Austin Post is playing a show nearby tonight.’ ” Miller said, remembering how shocked he was by the news. “It was before he really got famous.”

To cure his curiosity, Miller has listened to each of Post’s albums. Although he reassured that he did not have a favorite track, he hinted to a few fan favorites, such as ‘Rockstar’ and ‘Congratulations.’ Miller had mixed reactions when he initially heard Post’s music, but in conclusion, he felt only pride for his former student’s accomplishments.

“My first thought was ‘I think I’m old.’ ” Miller joked, but then the realization hit. “Holy cow! [he’s] big time.”

Miller was not only surprised by Post’s music, but also his career choice due to the lack of indication shown in his interests at the time. Post’s habits matched those of the rest of the student body, leading Miller to see nothing out of the norm.

“[Post] really liked Guitar Hero,” said Miller, “but everyone did, it was a big game then”.

Miller found no hints in Post’s Guitar Hero obsession, but Post was a rock star in other fields. Despite hiding his musical talents, Post left a memorable academic impact in Miller’s classroom by keeping good grades and upholding a higher standard than normally shown by students.

“[Post] always had good grades,” Miller said. “He was one of those kids that was in on level classes but he was [academically] above everyone else”.

Post’s footprint was not limited to his academics in Miller’s classroom, but also his kindness and sociability with others in the class. However, Post never assumed the role of class clown, keeping most of his jokes to himself.

“He laughed at others’ jokes but he never made a lot himself,” Miller recollected. “One time there was a girl who he was seated by and they got a little too close so he freaked out, as a joke of course.”

Miller has many fond memories of Post and uses them to relate to students in his classes today, telling them stories of Post whenever the name presents itself in a discussion. Given the chance nonetheless, Miller would love to know more about his former student and discover the how the past built him into the artist he is now.

“I’d love to ask him what he remembers and if he keeps in contact with any of [his old friends],” said Miller.

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