It’s Primetime to Finish Seat Time

Attendance plays an important role in the success of Timber Creek students. Also, state law mandates that they are in class at least 90% of the time, meaning that students cannot have 10 or more absences in 1st and 5th periods, and five or more absences in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th periods otherwise they will lose credit for that course.

Students can restore their missed time using three options. Those three options are as follows:

  • Falcon Night School is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in room M106 with Emily Boehringer.
  • Saturday School is on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students will meet Assistant Principal James Johnson at the front of campus. Students will not be allowed in after 8:10 a.m. as the doors to the campus will be locked at that time.
  • Students can spend time outside of the school day by attending tutorials with their teacher(s) to enhance/reinforce their knowledge of instruction and will receive DOUBLE TIME for this option if approved by an administrator.

When going to make up seat time hours, it is vital that students arrive on time, so they aren’t locked out and can receive full credit for the hour(s) they intend to make up.

In order to prove that student attended a makeup session, students will need to pick up a Credit Denial sheet. This is a document that needs to be signed by a teacher or administrator to verify that a student completed seat time.

Attending a required practice or rehearsal for athletics/fine arts is not an acceptable form of seat time.

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