Everything You Need to Know About the 2018 PSAT

Timber Creek High School will conduct the 2018 PSAT testing for students on Oct. 10, 2018. Find the schedule, testing rooms, and more information about the test in this article:


Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018 will be a late arrival day for 9th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade students who are not taking the PSAT test. Late arrival for these students will be at 11 a.m.

If a student is unable to find transportation for late arrival, they may still ride the bus in the morning like normal or arrive at the regularly scheduled time. These students will report to the Large Gym. Again, if you arrive at regular school time and aren’t testing, you’ll be sitting in the gym from 8:30 to 11 a.m.

Off campus classes will be cancelled. These students will report to the Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.) during these class periods.


PSAT Testing Schedule – October 10, 2018

8:30am – 1:30pmPSAT Testing: 10th graders; 9th and 11th graders that have paid for the test
12:30pm – 1:30pmTesters eat lunch in Testing Classrooms/Conclude Testing
11:00am – 11:30amNon-Testers Report to Designated Areas for attendance (see below)9th Grade Large Gym/11th Grade Cafeteria /12th  Grade Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.)
11:35am – 12:10pm12th Grade Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.)/11th Grade Cafeteria/9th Grade Large Gym
12:15pm – 12:50pm12th Grade Large Gym /11th Grade Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.)/9th Grade Cafeteria
12:55pm – 1:30pm12th Grade Cafeteria/11th Grade Large Gym/9th Grade Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.)
1:36pm – 2:15pm2nd (B) Period
2:21pm – 3:00pm3rd (B) Period
3:06pm– 3:45pm4th (B) Period

Lunches for Students

All testing students are to bring their own lunch. Sack lunches will be available for purchase for any student that is unable to bring their own lunch from home.

Reporting Location

  • All 9th grade students that are not testing will report to the Large Gym at 11:00 am for attendance.
  • All 11th grade students that are not testing will report to the Cafeteria at 11:00 am for attendance.
  • All 12th grade students that are not testing will report to the Fine Arts Center (F.A.C.) at 11:00 am for attendance.

Seniors will be required to attend class for their entire school schedule on this day. Please arrange your schedule accordingly as the times of classes are different.


Click here for the testing locations for the PSAT


9th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

11:00am-11:30amStudent Attendance/ Check-in (Large Gym)11:00am-11:30amStudent Attendance/ Check-in (Cafeteria)11:00am-11:30amStudent Attendance/ Check-in (Small Gym)
11:35am-12:10pmCrime Stoppers Program (Large Gym)11:35am-12:10pmLunch (Cafeteria)11:35am-12:10pmSenior Assembly (Fine Arts Center)
12:15pm-12:50pmLunch (Cafeteria)12:15pm-12:50pmFine Arts Center- Assembly12:15pm-12:50pmCrime Stoppers Program (Large Gym)
12:55pm-1:30pmFine Arts Center- Assembly12:55pm-1:30pmCrime Stoppers Program (Large Gym)12:55pm-1:30pmLunch (Cafeteria)

Then it’s back to the schedule posted above for 2B, 3B, and 4B.

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