Behind The Scenes Of Sports Net

Timber Creek Sports Network is a program that allows students to become involved in sports media, such as the school’s radio station TCFM, and broadcasting school sporting events.

This year, Sports Net broadcast six Football games, with three student commentators gaining experience in the booth.

Among those members is Junior, Reed Smith. “I was nervous to begin with, but after the first quarter I began to settle in” Smith said. “I was really helped by Kris [Chunn], his experience really guided me.”

Kris Chunn is a Senior member of Sports Net, who has commentated sports and been apart of various sports radio shows since his sophomore year. Older members like Chunn are imperative, as their leadership and guidance assist the younger members in a way that a student can relate to.

While football broadcasts have ended, Basketball broadcasts for boys and girls are about to begin. With the new sports broadcasts comes new commentators to the booth, like Junior member of Sportsnet, Erica Seay.

“To be part of a program that lets me do what I’m passionate about is so amazing to me” Seay explained. Seay, a second year member of student media, finds passion in sports commentary. The network opens opportunities for Seay to practice and refine skills before moving onto higher levels after high school.

“It gives me a preview of what I would like to do professionally someday.” Seay finished.

View past broadcasts from Timber Creek Sports Network on NFHS Network here:

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