Introducing the 2018-19 Senior Class Council

The senior class officers and the sponsor have worked tireless hours this year to make sure all the senior fundraisers and events are executed correctly. In order to make their events and fundraisers successful, all the officers have to work diligently to unify all their ideas, organize the details of that fundraiser or event, and finally get the news out to the whole senior class through social media and word of mouth. Although this may seem like a big challenge, the officers as individuals have used their various connections and talents to make the process efficient.

Due to all of the officers coming from different backgrounds and organizations, they are easily able to gain various perspectives in hopes of creating more harmony throughout the school.

All five of the current senior class officers are shown below, along with their individual backgrounds.



Ashtyn Dye, President

Ashtyn Dye is the head spirit leader in varsity cheer, a member of HOSA and student council, and she leads many of the FCA meetings. Although she has a busy schedule, she prioritizes the well being and activeness of the student body.

“Being a student council officer the past two years has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and learn new ways to lead my class and the student body with pride,” Dye said. “It has humbled me for what I will take on in the future.”

Dye plans on attending the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma to major in Psychology. She eventually hopes to attend medical school to become a pediatrician.



Nashita Moontaha, Vice President

Nashita Moontaha is the HOSA president at KCAL, a student council member and a smile train ambassador. Throughout her time in high school, Moontaha has exemplified what it means to be a well-rounded leader. Moontaha uses her various leadership roles to bring new opportunities to her class.

“As an officer, I have a voice for the senior class as we try to have the best year,” Moontaha said. “I’ve gotten the opportunity to create many new friendships that will stay with me forever.”

As the HOSA president of KCAL, Moontaha has been greatly influenced by science and medicine, and strives to major in biology and receive a Master’s degree in her future.





Mackenzie Panganiban, Secretary

Mackenzie Panganiban is primarily involved in NHS, student council, Earth Warriors and National Charity League. Despite the clubs and organizations she participates in, she extends her heart to every single student and goes out of her way to make sure everyone feels accepted.

“Through my role as an officer, I have had the opportunity to make decisions for our class that I feel would benefit everyone,” Panganiban said. “The most important thing about being an officer is ensuring inclusiveness in events that we organize and making sure the seniors have a memorable year.”

Panganiban plans on attending either the University of Oklahoma or the University of Texas at Austin. She’s intends on majoring in Anthropology and receiving a Master’s degree.






 Kristina Quinn, Parliamentarian

Kristina Quinn is the TAFE Parliamentarian and a varsity volleyball player. Quinn has thrived throughout high school through forming strong relationships with her teachers and absorbing knowledge through them.

“Being an officer has provided me with great opportunities and connections,” Quinn said. “It’s allowed me to get leverage for my future work and college experiences.”

Quinn is committed to playing volleyball at Doane University. She desires to become an educator and teach high school math.







Sofia Galvan, Historian

Sofia Galvan is the ambassador of Spanish club and the senior representative for national Spanish honor society. When she’s not practicing her foreign language skills, shes most likely helping out her friends and teachers. Galvan is always offering a helping hand to others and she makes sure that her peers feel her support through kind gestures and random acts of kindness.

“Being an officer has made me more organized above all,” Galvan said. “It has also helped strengthen my communication skills and being able to work well with others.”

Galvan hopes to attend Texas Tech next fall.





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