Looking Through the Lens of Yearbook Staff

The yearbook staff does so much more than just check off a name and hand over a 420 page book at the end of the year. The spreads, photos, colors, stories, headlines, and so much more, are the products of the hardworking staff from throughout the entire year.

This year, the yearbook staff has stepped up their game, if that’s possible. With plans of putting a picture for the cover of the yearbook, and even making a spread for the infamous “curse of the class” of 2019, this year’s book is on track to becoming one of the best yet.

The students on yearbook range from sophomores to seniors, who have completed a journalism, and photojournalism class.

The seniors on yearbook, like editor Melissa Hernandez, said “I want to everyone to be able to look back at their yearbook and be like ‘wow it really was a great year’.”

From taking pictures at football games, to working on spreads in class, to attending conventions during summers, the yearbook staff has to make a commitment to their book all year long. Ordering a book, and getting one at the end of the year, is about the extent that some people know about the yearbook. Setting deadlines, scaling photos, and crafting headlines are some of the things the students handle that not everyone sees.

Yearbook advisor, Kathy Beers, is immensely proud of the student’s work this year.

“It’s top notch this year,” said Beers. “I feel like we’ve taken it to a level that it has never been at in the ten years that we’ve been around.”

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