Schools Across Texas Take Part in Mental Wellness Week

Mental health is a huge problem that many high school students struggle with. Mental Wellness Week is a week that student councils across the state of Texas have been doing for years.

Student Council has been planning Mental Wellness Week for months now and the council has come up with many different things to benefit students this week. The council has placed hotline cards in all the bathrooms to help students that may need help and don’t want to seek out help in public. They are placed in the bathrooms that way they can seek help in private and take a card if they need it.

The council has also prepared post it note boards with positive messages on them so students can take what they need and receive positive compliments if they are having a bad day. Student council would like all students to know that they are each loved and that there will always be someone on their side.

The Texas Association of Student Councils or TASC along with the Timber Creek Student Council has come up with dress up days that all schools in Texas will be partaking in.

Monday: Wisdom and Enlightenment – Wear Purple

Tuesday: Love Yourself and Others – Wear Pink

Wednesday: Find Your Balance – Wear Orange

Thursday: Healthy Renewal – Wear Green

Friday: Find Joy and Optimism – Wear Yellow

Please help Student Council by participating in this cause.


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