TAFE Achieves Greatness at Regional Competition

On Saturday, Nov. 10, the members of the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) competed at the Region 11A competition. Below are the results.

1st place in Inside Our Schools – Faith Kelly and Megan Chormicle

1st place in Exploring Non-Core Teaching Careers – Taylor Thompson

1st place in Job Interview – Kylee Johnston

2nd place in Children’s Literature K-3 – Tayja Hebert

3rd place in Exploring Admin Careers – Megan Chormicle

3rd place in Educators Rising Moment – Kylie Griffin

3rd place in Exploring Support Services Careers-Tayja Hebert

4th Place in Educators Rising Moment-Kylee Johnston

4th Place in Differentiated Lesson Plan-Jesus Raygoza

Additionally, blue ribbons were awarded to the following events for scores of 90 or above.

Blue ribbon for Parliamentary Procedure – Katie Lynn Fagan, Emily Fagan, Rachel Harrell, Taylor Thompson

Blue ribbon for Chapter Yearbook – Katie Lynn Fagan and Faith Kelly

Blue ribbon for Bulletin Board – Naya Oswalt

Blue ribbon for Bulletin Board – Katie Lynn Fagan and Emily Fagan

Blue ribbon fo Teacher Created Materials – Kylee Johnston and Annika Bigelow

Blue ribbon for Project Visualize-Recreation – Amore Brichetto and Kristina Quinn

Blue ribbon for Breakout Session – Claire Bigelow and Annika Bigelow

Blue ribbon for Educational Leadership Fundamentals Test – Jesus Raygoza, Kylie Griffin, Kylee Johnston, Claire Bigelow, Katie Lynn Fagan

Congratulations to all students who competed!

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