Interact Club Brings Christmas Cheer to Nursing Home

The Interact Club plans to make Christmas wreaths for the Whitley Nursing Home on Thursday, Dec. 6 in room S217 after school. The members hope to bring holiday cheer to residents in the nursing home and brighten their days.

The production of the wreaths will occur after their monthly meeting. Members and non-members are both encouraged to come. Food and drinks will be served.

“We need all wreath making supplies [such as] hot glue guns, glue, wire, pipe cleaners, ribbons, decorations, etc.,” said Interact Sponsor, Brandy Abbott.

Interact is a club where students can get together to help their community through service projects and collaboration. It also helps students meet others with similar goals and interests towards making their community a better place. Interact gives students the opportunities to support causes and organizations that they are passionate about.

The Interact club is sponsored by Rotary, an organization that works to meet the needs and overcome challenges or hardship in communities worldwide.

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