The Nosebleeds – March 8, 2018

Listen to TCFM’s The Nosebleeds pop culture podcast below.
Art Teacher Jennifer Thompson’s Sculpture II and III classes used painter’s tape to create art along the walls on north hall and the fine arts hall.
3-6A District Awards were announced for Timber Creek girls and boys varsity basketball teams last week, as Timber Creek took the awards by storm. Both squads had countless amounts of nominations and it was a great sign for the coaches Read more
It’s common to be nervous before performing in a show, but what can be even more nerve-racking is being judged and scored on the performance. The one-act play company will compete in the UIL One-Act Play Competition on Saturday, March Read more
The 2018 Academy Awards (the Oscars) took place on March 4 and was filled with many historic moments this year.
The Keller ISD Bass Fishing Team will host a spirit night on March 8, 2018 at the Chick-Fil-A on Keller Pkwy.
Graduation will be held Saturday May 26 at 12:00 p.m.
Ty Nicholson is advancing to the Texas High School Powerlifting Association State Meet in Abilene, TX.
Vote for the February 2018 Teacher of the Month using the form below.
When used as a recreational drug, Ecstasy (MDMA’s) desired effects include increased empathy, euphoria, and heightened sensations.