Everything You Need to Know About Badges

In January of 2019, all Keller ISD high schools will be issuing badges to their students to display while on campus. This is everything you need to know about how the program will work at Timber Creek.

Why the Badges

The badges are a part of a larger effort for security improvements on Keller ISD campuses. Last October, an e-mail from KISD security personnel detailed this and other elements being worked on across the district to “to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for our students”

Before the holiday break, TCHS Administration communicated the message in an e-mail to parents and students:

“Keller ISD is committed to keeping our students and staff safe and is always looking for ways to improve security. In an effort to increase security on our High School campuses, each High School will provide every student with an ID badge and a lanyard. The badges, worn around the neck, will provide staff, teachers, and students an easy way to identify anyone on campus that does not belong.”

Getting the Badge

Each TCHS student will have a photo ID badge and lanyard provided to them by their English teacher on Jan. 14 or 15. Students will sign a roster indicating they’ve received their correct badge.

If a student does not receive a badge during the initial distribution, they will need to check first with their English teacher that their name is on the roster, and, after than, contact the counseling office to have one created. New students will be issued a badge on the time of their registration for the rest of the school year.

Wearing the Badge

Badges should be visible while students are on campus. Students will be provided a lanyard to assist with this. Teachers, administrators, security personnel and others may ask to see a student’s badge throughout the day, so students should carry and display their badge clearly. These badges do not replace a hall pass, so students will need to continue to follow those procedures.

Specially colored badges will be issued to those students who have early dismissal or certain other scenarios. You may be required to display this alternatively colored badge to leave campus.

Losing the Badge

Let’s say you forget your badge one day. What will happen? You may be asked to go to the front desk for a temporary badge for the day.

If a badge is lost, a student may purchase a new one in the Counseling Department at the front desk. The replacement cost is $5.00. Replacing the lanyard is the responsibility of the student.

Other questions about the Badge

If you have more questions about badges, feel free to ask in the comments below. We’ll follow up and answer whatever we can.

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