Stuck Between a Rock and an Art Place: Senior Artwork Displayed On Giant Rock

Art is a visual expression that creates emotion through the eyes rather than through other senses. It is unique in the fact it relies on first impressions to instill passion and since first impressions do matter, whether we want them to or not, what better way to showcase the school’s brilliance than through the perfect art piece? Senior, Hadyn Medina, created a one of a kind board to be displayed on the giant rock by the North East entrance of the school.

“When my teacher brought it up in class I didn’t think anything serious of it,” Medina said. ”I was shocked I got picked.”

Visual Arts teacher, Marcy Gardner, gave her students a challenge to design something with school spirit that would serve as a welcome to all who came to the school. Judging over the 50 entries were several administrators who were searching for the perfect visual representation of Timber Creek.

“[Principal Somerhalder] wanted something out there representing this school year, since it’s our 10 year anniversary,” Gardner said. “They chose Haydn’s [design] and we were very fortunate that he actually wanted to paint it because a lot of kids, even though they probably wanted to paint, they may not have had the time.”

Art seemingly runs through Medina’s family as his sister also has a talent for it, showcasing her work through Instagram. Though Medina designed the board himself, his sister helped him with the finer details, ensuring that it would be the best it could be.

“[It took me] about 12 hours,” Medina explained. “My sister was a big help, she’s very experienced with painting and kept me on track, such as showing me techniques on how to keep it smooth [and] how to make certain things look better.”

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