TC Boys Basketball Plays Central in Districts Jan. 8

With their next game against Central High School on Jan. 8, the Timber Creek Boys Varsity Basketball Team will compete at 7:30 p.m. at Timber Creek High School. Currently 9-7 overall, the team each year has proven to be different in not only how they play, but in training style as well, constantly looking towards future improvement. Though they have not had the results wished for within their past three district games, the young athletes will continue to persevere, with several district games to go.

“Most of us haven’t played varsity before this year so the preparation and practice has been a huge change for us,” said Roger Gonzalez. “Basketball has taught me how to work hard and push through when things get tough. I’ve learned [this year] that some days certain guys will struggle so others have to step up and help the team.”

Still presenting the same game-winning and constantly improving mentality, the young team has proved to be relentless in their determination. Junior athletes like Jordyn Vicente, Michael Mouser and Wes Castlemain have evidently furthered the team’s success, consistently putting the team first in order to reach their goal end results.

“I started playing cause I just loved it ever since I can remember,” Gonzalez said. “I’ve got a lot of memories with these guys since most of us have played together since middle school…our team as a whole is really solid. Looking forward, hopefully we finish district better than we started and can get into playoffs.”

Watch as the varsity boys take on Central on LIVE VIDEO via Timber Creek Sports Network at this link:

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