Third Annual History Book Club Drive Starts April 1

In celebration of April being National Library Month, the History Club will host their third Annual History Club Book Drive. The book drive will begin on Monday, April 1, and last through Friday, April 19. This year History Club will team up with National Honor Society (NHS) to strengthen their efforts, and are asking all nine of the elementary and middle schools in our feeder pattern to join in the works.

Students and faculty are encouraged to donate any books, new or used of any genre. Donations will be accepted by teachers or in rooms S210 and C122 until Thursday, April 18.

In History Club’s book drive last year, over 5000 books were collected and distributed to some classrooms, feeder pattern schools, and Friends of Keller Public Library. With combine efforts this year, the club hopes to collect 7500 books, and become a major provider to the KISD Summer Book Bus, along with their other providers last year.

During the book drive, from April 15 to April 18, faculty members are welcome to come to Metcalf’s room, S210, or NHS Sponsor Cerissa Johnson’s room, C122, to look through and take any books they please. They are free to come in anytime after school or during 2B or fifth period. In return they are asking for these faculty members to bring books to exchange out with any that they may want, but it is not required to participate.

If teachers have their hands full of books, they are welcome to simply send an email to Ben Metcalf, and soon enough, History Club members will be at your door with a wagon to pick them up. For any questions, contact

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