Chamber Choir Looked Sharp at First Competition

Chamber Choir earned their place as Grand Champions at their first competition, the North Texas Madrigal Festival, on March 8, 2019. Not only was it a prestigious honor to have won first place among the 38 participating choirs, but this is the first year Timber Creek has had a Chamber Choir.

“It’s a big deal [that we won], because it’s Timber Creek’s first time going [to the Madrigal Festival] in only our first year having a chamber choir,” senior Ruth N’geny said.

Chamber Choirs are elite, small groups of a perfectly balanced amount of Tenors, Bases, Sopranos, and Altos. It is composed of 12 men and 12 women. To ensure that the strongest Timber Creek singers could be a part of the group, sponsor and head choir director Adrian Kirtley makes his rehearsals compatible with theatre and other clubs. Unlike other Timber Creek choirs, Chamber Choir has no class time to rehearse, and must rely on time put in after school hours to perfect their songs.

“The majority of us practice on our own outside of the actual rehearsal,” senior Jared Gamber said.

The choir will perform in several other competitions coming up this spring.

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