Clean Up Our Act: Volunteer to Give Thanks to Custodians

Whether one would like to admit it or not, going from class to class, it is quite common to see trash carelessly strewn about by fellow students. It seems that some forget that there are real human beings picking up after them, the custodial staff. Due to these blatant and visible acts of ingratitude, a group of students and faculty are composing a project to show the janitors just how crucial they are to our school’s ecosystem.

In attempts to show a little gratitude, some students would like to make a personalized gift basket for each and every janitor, composed of their favorite snacks, drinks, and other miscellaneous items.

So far, there are over ten volunteers, including former principal Donald Bartlett. While that is a hefty amount of people, they are greatly outnumbered, as there are approximately 35 custodians. More volunteers are most definitely needed to ensure adequate love and personalization for each janitorial gift.

Even if one would not wish to participate in the making of the gift baskets, or shopping for gifts, due to time constraints, a cash donation is just as needed to alleviate the financial burden of those making the gifts.

If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please contact project coordinator Emma Dovers.


Phone: (682)-558-0453

The gift baskets are projected to be completed at the end of April.

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