EDITORIAL: Did YOU Wash Your Hands Today?

Have you used any of the school bathrooms lately? Even if you haven’t, you are well known to the fact that they are no Buc-ee’s.

During every passing period there is a line of students far out of several bathrooms. A lot of the time sinks fail to work properly, and sometimes, do not turn on when used. From empty toilet paper rolls, missing toilet seats, non-existent sink plumbing, or airless hand dryers, there are an abundance of reasons that students are late to their classes due to what was supposed to be a “little bathroom break.”

“I hate how there’s only ever one to two stalls with toilet paper,” sophomore, Ellie Drescher said.

If you do a one word search throughout the KellerISD Student Handbook and search “restroom” or “bathroom,” there is one match for restroom. “The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event,” but nothing under the lines of restrooms sanitation.

“I can’t remember the last time I used a hand dryer to dry my hands, they’re always broken,” freshman, Connor Fleming exclaimed.

There are no rules or regulations about keeping our bathrooms sanitary and restocked in an orderly fashion, but why? Because it is expected of the Keller ISD schools to follow these certain procedures, for staff and students. Unfortunately students and staff have become unsuccessful towards these procedures.

“The bathrooms are atrocious, I walk in and I feel like I can’t breathe,” senior, Thomas Johnson said.

In the span of a two week period stats were taken from each of the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms throughout the main three hallways to determine the condition our everyday bathrooms. So throughout North hall, Central hall, and South hall, how many of the schools bathroom essentials are working properly?

Toilets: 35 out of 48

Sinks: 25 out of 36

Hand Dryers: 20 out of 24 

Soap Dispensers: 24 out of 28

With this said, leaving it in the hands of our students and staff, hopefully our bathroom sanitation will improve, and there will be better care towards our everyday use bathrooms so that “little bathroom break” won’t be as extensive.

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This story is an editorial written by a group of Talon Opinion Editors. It represents a researched and informed opinion collected through interviews, research, student observations and experiences.

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