EDITORIAL: Why All Teachers Should Be Trained for CPR

According to the American Heart Association, every year hundreds of thousands of Americans die from cardiac arrest. If someone goes into cardiac arrest and receives CPR immediately, it can double or sometimes triple their chance of survival.

Since cardiac arrest can happen anywhere at anytime, there is no reason that teachers should not be required to get certified in CPR and other basic life support techniques.

In Texas, it is only mandatory that P.E. teachers go through CPR training along with other life saving techniques. In Keller ISD specifically, teachers do not have to be CPR certified. Not only that, but only a select few are trained to operate the automatic emergency defibrillator (AED). They do not get trained on the less common but threatening emergencies, such as concussions, severe bleeding and tourniquet application. All teachers need to be ready for any type of emergency because they are the ones with the students the most, for the majority of the day.

When teachers are certified in CPR and basic life support, it can not only help them be prepared for any situation in school, but outside of school as well. Only about 2.4% of Americans are trained in CPR each year, according to Reuters News. This is a big problem because bystanders are the first person on the scene when a victim is found. If teachers were CPR trained and certified, then the chances of survival would dramatically go up.

While the teachers do get taught basic CPR, seizure, allergic reaction, etc. responses, it is not enough. American Heart Association claims that only 50% of people can locate an AED at work. Every teacher, or even staff member, needs to be properly trained on how to react to an emergency. It could mean the difference in life or death of a student or fellow staff member.

Training and certifying teachers in life saving techniques will give students the best chances of survival if the unexpected happens. There is no reason that teachers should not be receiving the proper instruction on emergency preparedness. Giving them basic lessons on first aid response is simply not enough. It is time to give teachers a tutor session on emergency reactions, for the sake of the students, staff, and potential victims.

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This story is an editorial written by a group of Talon Opinion Editors. It represents a researched and informed opinion collected through interviews, research, student observations and experiences.

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