Calling All Lovers of Dance: Choreographers Needed for Fall Musical

Calling all lovers of dance and movement, the Falcon Theatre Department is in search of choreographers for the 2019-2020 school year’s fall musical.

“We’re looking for someone who has some dance skills and more than that the ability to translate that skill to people who have no dance training in order to achieve movement in a musical that helps tell a story,” explained theatre director Amanda Brundrett.

As musicals are very expressive and require much collaboration within the cast, Brundrett and fellow theatre director, Craig Robertson, felt that a student choreographer would be very beneficial to the production as a whole. Being near the same age as the other cast members allow for a better connection between actors and choreographers which can help make the learning process easier. Additionally, success with the 2017 musical, Music Man,  which was an entirely student choreographed show, helped with the theatre directors’ decision to continue offering student choreographer positions.

“I’m big on student empowerment and having students buy in and have leadership and ownership of what [they’re] doing,” said Brundrett. “It’s more exciting to see a student leading the charge.”

There is no set number for choreographers as the musical will be broken down into separate musical numbers. This opportunity provides students the chance to potentially work alongside trained professionals and gain knowledge and experience. Depending on the number of student choreographers will decide whether they will be assisting a hired professional choreographer or whether a consultant will be hired to assist the students.

“We’re so excited to reach a broader population through the Talon who can help us maximize our cast,” said Brundrett. “We’re looking for the right fit in the right person.”

All interested choreographers will need to submit a one minute video of an original choreographed piece. Interested students will need to have all submissions to Brundrett or Robertson by Tuesday, April 23. 

Click here for the form or pick one up outside Brundrett’s room on the call board.

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