Sisters with Style: Gracie and Sydney Baker

As siblings grow up alongside one another, their personalities, habits, and styles tend to rub off on another. Senior Gracie Baker and sophomore Sydney Baker have quite an idea of what it’s like to bounce ideas off one another, through their lives as sisters. Although they are quite different in their outfit choices, they find a way to bond through clothes.

Sydney tends base her style off of what’s trending, while Gracie believes in changing her style often and pulling from unexpected resources.

“I think my style is very girly, and I try to keep up with the trends,” Sydney said. “I like to wear things that make me feel pretty and good about myself.”

Though each sister is very different, they have one major thing in common; they like to wear clothing that boosts their moods.

“I’d describe my personal style as eclectic,” Gracie said. “I just like wearing what makes me happy honestly, so that means my style changes a lot from day to day.”

Siblings, though similar, almost always have different interests. Sydney is a Sky Dancer, and because of that, her process of picking out outfits is quite different.

“Ever since I joined [the] Sky Dancers, I have to pick my outfit out the night before,” Sydney said. “I always pick a more dressed up outfit and another outfit like leggings and a hoodie or a big t-shirt, just because I never know how much time I have to get ready or what my mood will be like the next day. I always try my outfits on beforehand and it takes me so long to pick an outfit ’cause I am so picky and so indecisive.”

While Sydney plans out her outfits the night before, Gracie picks out her clothes the morning of.

“I like to wear clothes that I’m excited to wear, so I can never plan outfits beforehand,” Gracie said. “I just go with whatever catches my eye that day.”

Inspiration is found in a multitude of places for the Baker sisters. Gracie is often times inspired by unexpected resources and the idea of experimentation.

“I get a lot of inspiration from thrift stores honestly,” Gracie said. “Being able to buy, and experiment with clothes is always fun and thrift stores make that much less expensive, and much more plausible for me.”

Contrastingly, Sydney pulls inspiration from more conventional methods, such as popular trends and YouTube personalities.

“I get inspiration off of fashion bloggers or YouTubers, along with my friends at school,” Sydney said. “My mom also pulls together some cute outfits.”

Growing up together, the Baker sisters saw each others’ styles grow and shift. Sydney noted that Gracie has gone through many phases style-wise.

“She had a goth phase, then a hippie phase, and then a phase where she would just wear socks with sandals every day,” Sydney said. “I think my style has kind of been the same, things have definitely changed with what’s trendy and not, but I just try to keep up with the trends.”

Although the girls have entirely different ideas of style, they find ways to use clothing to relate to one another. One way they do this is by borrowing each other’s clothing pieces.

“It’s nice to have someone else’s closet to pick through when you feel like you have nothing to wear, but because my sister’s style is pretty different from mine, when we borrow each other’s stuff it’s almost never worn in the same way,” Gracie said. “So even though we don’t really pull inspiration from each other, we are definitely collaborative in both our stylistic choices. We help each other pick out last-minute outfit options, and always pack for trips together.”

Due to the fact their styles are so different, they don’t always love what the other person wears, but they respect each other’s choices.

“I’m in Gracie’s closet more than I’m in my own. I don’t always love everything she wears but she always pulls it off,” Sydney said. “I find my style is less like hers lately, but I am still inspired by many outfits she puts together and probably once a week I will have something of hers on, whether it’s a full outfit or just a t-shirt.”

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Sydney Shoemaker is the Features Editor for the Timber Creek Talon. She is also president of the Falcon Friends club at Timber Creek. Shoemaker loves to write about style, history, and opinions. She is a senior, graduating in the class of 2021.

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