Want a Free Outdoor Movie Night?

Among 400 schools nationwide, Timber Creek has the opportunity to win a free outdoor movie night worth $2,500. The school with the most votes will receive the prize. Voting will end on Sunday, Sept. 15.

Now the question is, how does our school win?

A photo of the Timber Creek logo must have the most likes out of the 178 nominated schools in the region. Only one school will receive the free movie night, so be sure to like the picture and up our chances. The runner up prize is 50% off the cost of an outdoor movie package. 

In order to vote, you must go through Facebook. Scan the QR code or follow the steps below:

  1. Find the region you live in — NOTE: Timber Creek is in the Central region
  2. Scroll until you find your school
  3. Like the photo of your school logo
  4. Encourage friends and family to also vote for Timber Creek

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