What is History Club?

History Club is beginning the year with biweekly meetings where students can go to discuss and celebrate their love of history.

“It’s for people who love history to geek out together,” sponsor Mr. Ben Metcalf said. “We talk about different events, we debate, we argue, we watch movies, we play games, we read famous books and discuss, etcetera. It’s a chance for people to simply enjoy the love of history.”

The club has only had one meeting so far, and the next is on Sept. 24, 2019 in room S210 directly after school.

“The meetings normally consist of an intro of what we’re doing and then normally we will go into some sort of lesson or discussion,” club president Kallyn Patterson said.

The club is tying in current events with their history-based activities, and are focusing on the Bill of Rights and how it relates to modern times at their next meeting.

“This next one upcoming is about the Bill of Rights and we will be doing a debate about whether the Bill of Rights should still be considered what they are, like gun control, like what is the extent of the second amendment as well as rights for citizens,” Patterson said. “So this is solely going to be people’s opinions and not research that they’ve done.”

Accessibility is very important to Metcalf and Patterson, as the club has no required fees or dues to join.

“History should be free for everybody, so we want to foster a love for it, we don’t want to make it into a chore,” said Metcalf. “If people can come for ten minutes great, if they can come for an entire hour even better.”

Text @Billnted to 81010 to sign up for the remind, and if you have any questions go to S210 or email ben.metcalf@kellerisd.net

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