Creative Writing Expands to Become Literature Club

The Literature Club was once Creative Writing Club, but was recently changed so students could feel like they were a part of something new.

Literature Club is for those who love to write and want to get better. It’s meant to help fine tune writing skills and aid students in finding their style of writing. Club meetings consist of going over possible writing competitions, giving creative writing assignments and joining fellow peers who share a love for words.

The difference between the two clubs is that they don’t only write in the Literature Club, they also go over literature that is provided and even focus on other types of writing like lyrical, theatrical scrips, and video game dialogue.

“This doesn’t mean it’s entirely different though, and in due thanks to our sponsor Mrs. Kummell who was our sponsor for Creative Writing Club,” Co-President of the club, Andre Averion said. “We feel confident it will be the same friendly environment that the Creative Writing Club had, letting its legacy live on in a new fashion.”

Anyone is welcome to join Literature Club, no matter if one is confident in their writing or not. Meetings are held every other Monday, after school in Nona Kummell’s room, C118. The next meetings will be held on Monday, Oct. 21 and Monday, Nov. 4.

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