Hope For The Holidays Officially in Season

The holiday season brings good feelings out of people and is meant to be a time of giving. As the long awaited season is upon the students and staff, so is the annual National Honor Society (NHS) ‘Hope For The Holidays’ fundraiser. The month long collection of donations in English classes began on Monday, Oct. 28 and will go all the way through Friday, Nov. 22.

“Hope for the Holidays has always been one of my favorite parts of the year,” NHS Vice President Serena Shabout said. “Seeing everyone donate and get competitive about it makes me so happy for the families that will benefit.”

Each donation will result in a different holiday decoration depending on the amount given; a tree for 50 cents, a snowman for $1, a gingerbread man for $5, and a star for $20 to decorate the classes with symbols of giving. All donations collected will go to families within the school’s community, including students in the Falcon feeder pattern.

The teacher who raises the most money will have a third period party or cookout for all of their classes. Any donation is tax deductible as well, so you can receive a receipt if you ask. If you decide to donate by check, please make it out to TCHS NHS.

The fundraiser goal will vary from class to class, though $1,000 is a common goal amongst the English teachers. The goal overall though, is to always beat the donation total from last year.

Be sure to donate as every penny counts in the total.


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