Looking Back at Tennis’ Outstanding Season

Throughout their entire season, the Falcon varsity tennis squad made history, and was undefeated. The high hopes and positive energy that the Falcons came into their season with helped them to succeed. 

However, during the district playoffs, the Falcons fell to Southlake Carroll High School. Falcon tennis ended up coming in second place against Marcus High School in the district playoffs.

All in all, the Falcons had a record breaking season. According to tennis captain Monica Mendoza, “the team environment has played a big role in how the season has gone,” as the bonds between players helped them keep their minds clear when playing against difficult teams. 

“This season has been a season like never before. We did a lot of things that we had never done before, which made for many firsts,” Mendoza said. “We beat Keller for the first time in school history and we made it to playoffs this fall season. That hadn’t happened since my sophomore year.”

These Falcons made school history very early in the season by beating Keller for the first time ever. The team went into the game against Keller with their expectations not as high as they hoped, considering they had never beaten Keller before, but came out of the game victorious.

The squad had a season that will forever be recognized by their Falcon Family. 

“The amount of support everyone gives makes you work a lot harder knowing you don’t just play for yourself,“ Mendoza said.

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