Students with Style: Kera Robinson

Style can be a way to express yourself without saying a word. For people that have trouble verbalizing their feelings and personalities, style can be an outlet, a way to say a thousand things about themselves without even opening their mouths. Sophomore Kera Robinson lets her outfits speak for themselves.

“I personally have a hard time expressing myself in words,” Robinson said. “My style is my way of showing people [that] I am creative and very open to things.”

For Robinson, one single spark of inspiration can create an entire outfit. She tends to put together outfits by centering it around one single piece of clothing.

“I pick outfits usually depending on how I feel,” Robinson said. “Sometimes I see other people wearing things and it makes me come up with a really cute idea of what I could wear. Most of the time it comes down to me having one thing I really want to wear and go from there.”

Additionally, Robinson takes inspiration from social media and Instagram personalities. Having a style icon makes it easy for her to find inspiration when she’s unsure what to wear.

“I love looking through magazines and Pinterest to see different things people are wearing and new trends,” Robinson said. “My number one inspiration is Devon Lee Carlson because of how she can take so many different pieces and put them together to make really cute and unique outfits.”

Robinson uses a clever mixture of fashion from the past and trends in the present. This allows her outfits to be complex and interesting.

“I don’t know exactly what my style is,” Robinson said. “I would describe it as colorful with many different elements pulled from different eras but still somewhat very in the now and with today’s trends.”

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Sydney Shoemaker is the Features Editor for the Timber Creek Talon. She is also president of the Falcon Friends club at Timber Creek. Shoemaker loves to write about style, history, and opinions. She is a senior, graduating in the class of 2021.

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