Bringing Words to Life; Author Kayla Olson to Visit Creative Writing Class

Kayla Olson, author of young adult novels This Splintering Silence and The Sandcastle Empire, will come to visit advanced creative writing students on Friday, Nov. 15 during fourth period to speak about her writing process and answer questions.

Olson’s first book, The Sandcastle Empire, will truly come to life, as it has been picked up by Paramount Pictures to be made into a movie produced by Leonardo DiCaprio.

As a writer from the Denton area, Olson’s experience proves that one doesn’t have to live in largely metropolitan areas in order to make it big. Furthermore, Nona Kummel’s writing classes are full of students who enjoy writing short stories, screenplays, and poems, so it’s a great opportunity for these Falcons to meet an influential author, and person that can relate to them, such as Olson.

Interested in listening to Olson speak on Friday? Talk to Kummel in room C118 for more information.

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