Student Council Creates Community Lockers to Help Their Peers in Need

Beginning mid October, Student Council members have been putting together community lockers. These lockers are for students who need hygiene products and basic necessities that they may not be able to get at home. If one feels inclined to donate to help their fellow students in need, donations for the lockers may be dropped off in room M203, before and after school, as well as during passing period.

The lockers consist of gently used shoes, special occasion outfits, toothbrush/toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, and lotion, deodorant, pads/tampons, socks, and school supplies.

Anyone is able to access these lockers, all they need to do is talk to their counselor and ask for whatever they may need and go on their way. If a student needs to take some clothes they can keep them, and if they need to be washed, students may bring them back.

“I think it’s a very discreet way to help them not feel embarrassed to get the things they don’t have at home,” student council member Erica Seay said.

The community locker is available throughout the whole year. Anyone who needs anything can use them and can privately get what they need.

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