The End of an Era; What Does the Future Hold for Falcon Football?

After a season record of 3-7, Falcons’ high hopes of having a more successful season than the last were suppressed. Throughout this season, defense struggled to prevent opposing teams from scoring, offensive line was ineffective, and the offensive play calling seemed to be a little predictable. But even through tough, heartbreaking games versus Central and Eaton, Falcon players, coaches, and students still possessed copious amounts of school spirits.

Every game day, players were excited to get on the field and prove their talent to all Falcon football fans. Even in the freezing cold rain, the Nest continued to be loud and proud at every game, home or away. While the season may not have played out the way coaches and players expected, the Falcon family still found enjoyment when going to football games. All players should be satisfied and pleased with their efforts and perseverance through a district as difficult as 6A.

This season’s emphasis was on hard work. Every play, every yard, and every touchdown was earned through tough practices and games that truly made each player better. But through all the these tireless workouts, the players seemed to bond and form irreplaceable friendships.

“Some highs of this season [were] bonding with the team and building our chemistry to surprise everyone in the district by placing better than everyone expected,” kicker Jose-Carlo Martinez said.

It is also no doubt that playing on the field as a senior in such a vital position, is extremely “memorable,” a word Martinez used to describe his senior year of football. Martinez also said that he was “definitely most proud of the way we got better from the beginning of the season to the end of the season, [because] we believed in each other and that took us extremely far.”

With Thursday, Nov. 7 being Martinez’s last high school game, he wanted to leave a legacy and give advice to the soon to be seniors.

“Don’t take advantage of [the game] and enjoy every moment, for it might be the last time you step on the field,” Martinez said.

With seniors out of the spotlight on the field, current juniors will take over next year. This season, the Falcon football team consisted of many starting juniors, like running back Kaden Bess.

“This season to me was about taking the responsibility of coming out and being energetic,” Bess said. “Throughout this season, I had realized that I only have two more high school years left of playing football, so I wanted to give it my all for my teammates.”

Bess also agreed with Martinez in that he was “most proud of the way everyone got along this season.” But what is in the future for Falcon football? The players are confident that the future holds abundant success.

With a starting team consisting of mostly seniors next season, Bess stated that he feels like “we have everything in place to go to playoffs, especially the mindset on the team to accomplish that goal,” and is excited to see where next football season takes them.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what the score is, what team you are playing, or what stadium you are playing at. All that matters is that the players of Falcon football had a great season of playing passionately, bonding with teammates, and working together in front of friends and family. This season was successful in coaches and players’ eyes, because of how much the team grew together. This team had so much to be proud of this season, and the school is so excited to see how the team thrives next season.

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