Head Football Coach Kevin Golden Resigns

Coach Kevin Golden resigned from his position of Head Football Coach at Timber Creek on Monday. Golden said he will not return as head football coach for the 2020 football season.

He commentated on his love for the program and the players he has coached over the years. The speech was short, sweet and straight to the point. Golden ended his talk the same way he’d closed all his meetings: “Remember who you are. Where you come from and who you represent”

Spending 11 years at Timber Creek, Golden led the team to the playoffs twice, coaching the Falcons to their first playoff win versus Arlington Martin in 2017. Golden’s coaching career at Timber ended with a 3-7 record for the 2019 season.

KISD Director of Athletics Eric Persyn, who was present at the meeting, commented that Coach Golden should be respected in this time and Falcons should remember his impact all over the school. Former Timber Creek Principal Donnie Bartlett, now the Assistant Director of Athletics was also present along with the entire football program, including coaches, students and support staff.

When asked by a football player if current coaches would be retained for next season, KISD athletic directors refused to comment. As of right now, Offensive Coordinator, Lonnie Judd is filling in as the interim Head Coach. Judd and Coach Dusty Ortiz will run the offseason and workouts as usual, and other planned events, such as the football banquet would remain.

It is currently unknown who will be the Head Coach next season, though Persyn and Bartlett said that they would return in January to ask players the qualities that they were looking for in a head coach. Judd commented during the meeting that hiring a new coach could happen as soon as February or March of 2020.

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