Hear That? Saxophone Choir to Host Send Off Concert on Dec. 15

The Saxophone Choir will host a send off concert on Sunday, Dec. 15 before they travel to perform in the Midwest Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. The concert will be from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center and is free to attend.

The concert will feature pieces like Arcadia, Splinter, Ariel Viginette, and many more.

¨[It’s] really good music,” freshman saxophone player Donovan Ellery said. “It’s all Midwest classical [music].”

The Midwest Clinic is an international band and orchestra conference that offers guests interested in music education an array of clinics and exhibits, as well as access to music and teaching icons. The conference will also focus on industry trends and future topics in business and music education.

Students like Ellery have the opportunity to advance into the next level of their musical careers by attending the Midwest Clinic.

Come support these jazzy musicians before they traverse to Illinois.

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