Get ‘Lost’ in the Drumline and Winterguard Showcase on Jan. 25

On Saturday, Jan. 25, the drumline and winterguard programs will be hosting their annual indoor showcase for their 2020 season. The showcase will start at 8 p.m. in the gym. Admission is $5 at the door and children 5 and under will be admitted into the event for free.

The showcase will premiere JV and varsity winterguard shows along with the indoor drumline’s show and Timberview’s winter guard show.

“The drumline’s show is fabulous, the varsity’s show is beautiful, and the JV’s show is really stunning,” varsity member Shelby Wingo said. “All the money will go towards each program and without everyone, our programs wouldn’t be running.”

The drumline’s show is titled ‘Underground’ and is inspired off of the street artist, Banksy, and his artwork.

“It’s set in a subway station in New York [and] our tarp is made to look like the tiles you’d see in a subway station,” marimba player Kaleb Chaney said. “Each of the four parts of our show are songs that relate to a different painting of his and the costumes are designed to make it look like we’re stretching artists”.

The varsity winterguard’s show is called ‘Lost’ and shows how overwhelming life can be when one is depressed and how this can not only affect them, but other close to them. The show will also feature senior soloist, Chloe Wreyford.

“She does mostly dance work and some equipment,” varsity member Matias Hernandez said. “She represents the sense of being lost and she’s doing an amazing job”.

The junior varsity winter guard’s show is entitled ‘Believe’ and is about self empowerment and not having to prove ones worth to anyone. Their show will also feature sophomore soloist, Katherine Reyes, and have strong ensemble moments throughout the performance.

Come support the drumlime and winterguard’s start to a great season.

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