What the Class of 2020 Is Doing After These Last Few Months

With just one semester left for the class of 2020, many seniors have started to think seriously about where they’ll be within the upcoming months. For these upperclassmen, life after graduation holds many exciting promises and opportunities. When asked to share what plans the students have in store, this is what they said:

“After high school, I plan on going to college for software engineering while pursuing my dreams of traveling the world. I would love to study abroad, especially in Europe, but it would also be amazing to just travel for fun in my top destinations: New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Germany. Personally, I think creating memories and experiences that I can cherish is my top priority for the things to do after high school. The universe is boundless and I want to find where I belong in it. ” -Sydney Khamphouseng


“After graduation, I want to go to college to major in neuroscience or biomedical engineering. I want to be able to do something with my life that I’ll be proud of. I’m excited to begin my future in medicine and then go on to become a doctor. I can’t wait for my life to finally start.” -Psyche Morshed


“I don’t really have a set plan after high school is over. I have passions, but I’m still figuring everything out and it’s more exciting for me to not know exactly what’s going to happen when this time of my life ends. I’m just looking forward to the future and whatever happens, happens. I’m hoping to one day be able to travel the world and explore every avenue that life has to offer.” -Sydney Brunson


“After high school, I’m not too sure on a career path just yet, so TCC is the plan to start my basics. I know the future will have a lot in store for me with highs and lows, but it’s all about the journey and the lessons that come along with it. I hope to be successful in what I choose to do with the rest of my life and take on adventures and challenges when they come my way.” -Shay Cannatella


“My ultimate goal after I graduate is to become a professor. Getting the chance to teach the future generation has always been a dream of mine. My next big step after graduating is moving out to an apartment with my friends.“ -Nathan Nguyen


“After high school I plan on following the basic path of heading to college. Simple enough, but I’m ready for the change. I’m tired of the high school routine and definitely ready to take another step towards growing up. Just a step though, I’m not trying to full on adult. I’m excited for the next phase in my life. I’m ready to make a new routine with my favorite people. Change is coming and I’m ready to give it a big fat hug.“ -Olivia Rodriguez


“After graduating I plan to go to university (Baylor or TCU) and study psychology/neuroscience with a possible minor in vocal performance. I hope to stay close to all my friends back home as well as make amazing new ones, and surround myself with supportive people that will be by my side for many years. After college I would love to travel and explore the world with others before settling into a career, whatever that may be. Ultimately I just want to love everyone and make fun (and safe) memories.” -Claire Hill


“After I graduate high school, I’m planning on going to college and working on my BA in music education. My dream job is to become a choir director, and I also want to eventually get my masters/PhD so I can teach at a university.” -Xavier Bailey


“After graduation, I plan to go to college and get a degree in kinesiology, and a minor in business management. Before that though, I would like to spend as much time as I can with the people I love and care about since we won’t know the next time we’ll get to see each other. Going into college, I’m most excited about starting new relationships and being apart of a new community. Hopefully these next four years go by fast as well.” -Cymfani Jones


“After graduation, I plan to attend Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire. I hope to major in political science and pursue a career in politics following college.” -Davis Whitaker


“I plan on studying molecular and cellular biology and Spanish language. Participating in research and involving myself with new organizations are opportunities that really excite me about life after high school. I also look forward to living on my own in a new city. After finishing my bachelor’s degree, I hope to attend medical school and earn a master’s in public health to ultimately practice as a physician.” -Audrey Christenson


When asked what I’m doing after graduation, I always say something about college or studying law. But having collected and read the answers from my friends, whether I met them from my first year moving to TCHS or just recently, I’ve realized there is more to life after this semester than that. I want to keep writing stories and practicing music. I want to continue with Spanish and minor in it. I want to read and travel and see all these people end up exactly where they’re meant to be.

Too often high schoolers are told, especially during this time in their lives, that the only reasonable path is a post-secondary education at a “good school.” Why don’t we encourage more options? We need to endorse community college, trade school, gap years, enlistment, and all other viable choices as well.

Additionally, it needs to be made known that it’s okay not to have everything figured out at 17 and 18 years old, and it’s necessary to take time to see the world. That’s how we figure out where we belong in it.

This group of students is proof that, despite varying plans and aspirations, the end of high school is really the beginning of something far better.

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