Growth in Earth Warriors Club Blossoms Into Big Plans for 2020

Through the past couple of years, membership in the Earth Warriors club has grown greatly as more and more students have become passionate about impacting the earth in a positive way. With all of the environmental disasters occurring as of late, the president and officers of the club stress the importance of doing one’s part to help.

Club president Ethan John joined the club as a junior, after taking AP Environmental Science (APES) during his sophomore year.

“I took APES my sophomore year just as a class to fill my schedule, but it quickly became my favorite class,” John said. “I learned about issues that are present in our world regarding [the] environment.”

John shared that his position means a great deal to him, as he is able to lead a movement that he is very passionate about. He saw that the club was veery small, and knew he wanted to help it expand.

“This year, my fellow officers and I have grown the club to a whopping seventy-five members, which is huge compared to last year’s seventeen members,” John said. “Being president has given me the opportunity to lead a group of like-minded individuals with a common goal, which is essentially to save the planet or at least make a positive difference in the world.”

The senior further explained that Earth Warriors is an asset to this school because it helps make its members more aware of the world around them.

“We not only educate students about environmental issues and tips they can utilize, but we try to strengthen the relationship between us and our surroundings through hands-on activities, such as hikes, clean-ups, and so on,” John said.

Getting more into the specific plans that John and the rest of the officers have for their organization includes one really big goal: getting the greenhouse back.

“Our goal for the year is to restart the greenhouse. It’s going to take a lot of work, but we hope to achieve that by the end of this school year,” John said.

In addition to this, Earth Warriors has other ideas to educate and get its members involved.

“A big event we have will be a school trash clean-up, most probably in April. I saw that Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) has a medical tip clip that plays once in a while on TCTV and we are hoping [to] do that too, but with environmental tips of course,” John explained.

As far as the progress of the club itself, the president expressed that he hopes all students will consider joining and that being a part of the organization is fairly lax.

“Regarding status and growth, I hope Earth Warriors is an organization that every student considers joining. We are always looking for new members all throughout the school year and we don’t have strict requirements, unless you’re trying to obtain your chord,” John said. “I want this club to continue leaving a positive impact on not only the environment, but on all the students in the club. Given the current status of our biosphere, I believe that being in and participating in a club like Earth Warriors is imperative.”

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