We Are All Equal; Women’s March in Dallas

On Sunday, Jan. 19 in downtown Dallas thousands of people marched for equality for women and in celebration of the 100th year of the 19th amendment at the annual Dallas Women’s March.

“I’ve always wanted to go to the women’s march, but never have been able to make it,” junior Aleena Davis said. “This year I was finally able to go, and I got to go with my friends.”

Originating at St. Paul United Methodist Church in the Arts District, marchers made their way to Dallas City Hall where a rally was then held. At this rally Democratic state representatives Rhetta Bowers and Victoria Neave spoke to the crowd. Filled with women from all walks of life, each attendee was exposed to a new point of view.

“It definitely gave me a different perspective once I was actually in the march,” Davis explained. “Once I was marching, there were so many different people who had so many different stories that lead them to march.

The women’s march is a time of celebration for how far women have come in equal rights and representation, but it is also a time to acknowledge how far the nation still has to go. Men and women came together to advocate for equality and to show that they stand for what’s right.

“It was something amazing to witness because so many diverse people came together at once,” Davis said.

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