Falcon Football Stays Connected Despite Cancelled Practices

During this time of the year, the Falcon Football team should be getting ready for the spring football season, but with the spread of COVID-19 plans have changed. Although the team can’t practice together like normal, Coach Marshall Williams is making sure that their time spent away from the field doesn’t go to waste.

Falcon Football underwent some coaching changes about a month ago. Within the coaching staff the district hired new Head Football Coach Marshall Williams from Southlake Carroll. During this time of isolation the year, Williams has made it his goal to continue to lead his team despite not being physically with them. While the school is closed and practices are cancelled, Williams could’ve followed one of two schools of thought.

“Because I’m with them less then I can do less, or because I’m with them so much less: I have to do more,” Williams told CBSDFW.

Williams chose to keep his Falcons connected through a website called “Sportsyou.” Sportsyou gives Williams the ability to continue coaching his team from a remote location. He has been able to assign workouts and see the progress his players have been making.

”Everyday they’re doing workouts and they’re videoing it, and they’re showing it on Twitter, and they’re challenging their teammates and finding different ways to hold each other accountable,” Marshall told CBSDFW. “They’re trying to hold me accountable. I owe like 50 push-ups I got to do on Twitter and I got to share it at some point.”

Now, more than ever, the sense of sportsmanship and being a teammate to each other has been important to the football team. Although the rest of the spring season is unclear, Williams and the Falcon Football players are working hard, and making their time away from the football field count.

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