Activities to Stay Busy and Healthy During Quarantine

Quarantine and social distancing can have a huge toll on many people during this pandemic. It is important to stay healthy mentally, physically, and imaginatively. Need some ideas to stay busy? Here’s a couple of suggestions:

Indoor Activities:

  • Complete a puzzle. This will keep those wheels turning and your brain at work.
  • Binge on movies and shows with friends through Netflix Party. Social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t still have fun with friends.
  • Learn a new language. There’s plenty of apps that are made for this.
  • Read a good book. Feed your mind and soul. Side effects may include: impressing English teachers and becoming “well read.”
  • Write letters to your friends and family since you can’t be with many of them. With kind words you can make someone’s day.
  • Bake some cookies. This is delicious and keeps you busy. For an extra challenge, try making them from scratch.
  • Write a story. Make it unique or very generic, but keep yourself entertained and have fun with it.
  • Challenge your family members to a board game or video game.
  • Try a Pinterest DIY project, learn something new, pick up a new hobby. These are all fun activities that come at no cost.
  • Simply open a window or step outside. It is important to take in a breath of fresh air after being stuck inside all day.

Activities to Stay Active:

  • Go for a walk. This can relieve stress from sitting and working all day.
  • Play a game, go outside and be active. Just remember to stay at least six feet away from anyone else who might be doing the same.
  • Pick up a basketball. Whether you dribble, play h-o-r-s-e, or shoot some hoops this is an activity that can keep you going.
  • Ride your bike. Exercising while exploring is a great way to stay active physically and stimulated mentally.
  • Make up a workout routine. This could be fun and good exercise.
  • Dance around. This will make your heart race (especially after sitting for so long), and is a good way to expel some pent up energy.
  • Play with a pet. Dogs must feel pretty happy to have their humans home all day, but cats probably feel indifferent. If you don’t have a pet to play with, play with a sibling instead.
  • Reorganize your room or closet. This can be a workout (depending on how much reorganizing needs to be done) and help keep you going.
  • Clean your room and do some laundry. In addition to helping your parents out, it is a good way to keep moving and stay motivated.
  • Wash your car. Or your parents’ car. Check the weather and go outside.
  • Go for a swim if you can. You could even tan and try to get a head start on your summer color.

Take Care of Your Mental Health:

  • Take breaks from watching television, reading or listening to the news, and social media. Hearing about everything that is happening in the world can cause a lot of people to be upset. It is important to stay calm during these times.
  • Take care of your body. Get some exercise. How you feel physically can affect how you feel mentally.
  • Take time for yourself. You can meditate and practice concentration, go for a run to clear your mind, or relax and do a face mask.
  • Separate your work space from your place of relaxation.
  • Make time to unwind, try to do some type of activities that you love.
  • Journal your thoughts. This can help you to know exactly what you are feeling and can help relieve stress.
  • Get enough sleep. It is okay to take a nap when you start feeling overwhelmed, this can prevent you from having thoughts of being lonely.
  • Finally, connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

Remember, you are not alone during this pandemic and there is always someone willing to help you and to stay active with you.

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