Don’t Reed Into It: A Final Anecdote From Reed

It’s been three years. Wow. What a ride it’s been. For me and every senior colleague of mine, the time to move on with our careers has come. What that means for me is majoring in sports journalism at the University of North Texas. The work, friends, and memories I’ve had with Talon and TCTV will resonate with me for the rest of my life.

I entered Talon when I was a sophomore. I had no idea what I was doing, and felt immense pressure–which is ridiculous in hindsight. The friends I made–most of whom have graduated–were integral in the process of me adjusting to the environment and becoming comfortable. The people of Talon are always what made it special. Sure, the countless sports stories, columns, and reporting was fun; but, in the end, it was walking into first period, never knowing what to expect. One day it could be a heated political discussion, the next it could be getting roasted for the proper way to break up with a girl. One could never truly predict how a day would go, and that made it so special.

It’s truly been amazing to have the opportunity to write this column. While it hasn’t been as consistent as I once would’ve hoped (shoutout to AP classes for that), it’s still been a lot of fun. Being able to share ideas and opinions that get people talking is something I’ve really cherished. The argument for band being a sport was maybe the most controversial story I wrote. I still don’t understand why folks in both side of that argument get so spiteful towards each other. However, it creates conversations and useful conflict, which I honestly love.

Content will still be created for sports, but it won’t be normal coverage and opinion like you readers are use to seeing. This will be my last column for “Don’t Reed Into It.” If you read and enjoyed the last two years, thank you. I’ll be writing a few more stories for Talon in general, but in terms of the column, it’s unfortunately come to its final end.

Editor’s Note: Dive back in to some select columns and reports from the past below:

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