Supporting the Seniors; Somerhalder Chats With the Class of 2020

As the school closure extends further into the second semester, seniors begin to worry and mourn the outlook of the rest of their year. While the unexpected halt created many mixed feelings, the school staff continue to work hard to help the seniors have a special year.

Principal Michelle Somerhalder decided that in order to help keep hopes high, she would chat with seniors online through a platform called Zoom, and take some time to look back at memories made over the course of the year.

“We talked about our favorite memories at Timber Creek, described our senior year in three words, and talked about advice we’d give to the next classes at TC,”  senior Gentry Lamberth said. “It’s easy to feel like the administrators don’t really care, but seeing her make an effort to listen to our experiences and feelings was really neat.”

Many seniors were unsure what to expect but were pleasantly surprised to feel reassured for the outlook of their year by not only Principal Somerhalder, but also their fellow peers and school as a whole.

“I feel like senior year definitely took an unexpected turn, but the school is doing everything they can to work with the circumstances and try to make it special for us,” senior Carolyn Kosek said.

In the midst of the confusion caused by the pandemic, Somerhalder, along with the other staff members, worked to create a safe, online learning environment for their students while also allowing them to express their thoughts and feelings surrounding the situation.

“While it’s very disappointing that we can’t see our friends and events are getting canceled, I’m so grateful for our teachers who are putting in so much effort to try and make this time fun and special for their students,” Lamberth said.

There are still available times for seniors to chat with Somerhalder on a Zoom call. Those interested can sign up here.

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